Laurent Ribeiro

Profile of Laurent Ribeiro

  • Date of birth: 17.04.1979
  • Hometown: Lyon, France
  • Activities: Catfish angler
  • Joined the Team: 05.06.2017


Passionate about catfish fishing since the 90s, I have been fishing from a light boat called a belly boat since the early 2000s. MADCAT was already developing products adapted to my practice and offered me the chance to join the team to develop some products. Active vertical fishing being my favorite, I had the chance to bring my experience to elaborate mounts like the JIG SYSTEM ANTI SNAG or the A-STATIC PROPPELER TEASER.


Being in the middle of the water, being at one with nature, observing and understanding its biotope. Few passions allow such harmony with nature.

The three keys to success

  • Compliance
  • Consistency
  • Innovation

